About Us


It is a long established fact that serving bank employees find it hard to pass JAIIB/CAIIB having no iota of clue as to how to prepare for these exams scientifically within the short span of time that they get amidst busy work schedules.Keeping in view the constraints of bankers, we have come up with unique iTEST online exam series to enable them to get ample practice as well as grasp of the subject with the crisp explanations contained in the exams.Ours is the only institute which provides complete suit of online exams which emulate the methodology and rigor of original examinations of JAIIB/CAIIB



Our  Critical core capabilities transcend over cross functional domains of BFSI, Legal aspects of Banking and preparation of affirmative action plans for training and development

Our core focus areas are:

Learner Centric : Creating positive and value-added learning experience for the learner by putting the learner’s learning journey first.

Performance Assessments: Determine overall effectiveness of training programs by using assessment tools and make improvements.

Cross Functional Engagement: understand the nuances of  emerging trends in BFSI sector and update training requirements from time to time.